Pantoporia bieti pinratanai (Kimura,1993)
The Lesser Yellow Sailor – ผีเสื้อกะลาสีเหลืองเล็ก

♂ Doi Pha Hom Pok (Chiang Mai) 5 April 2023

♂ Doi Pha Hom Pok (Chiang Mai) 5 April 2023

Very rare species, found for the first time on the slopes of Doi Inthanon by Khun Sonboon, of the group of Father Pinratana, the 15 March 1988. The subspecies was described by Yunosuke Kimura in 1993. The holotype, whose picture is showed here, in conserved at the St.Gabriel’s College Museum. Other two subspecies are present in Assam, India and NW Yunnan, China.
The 5th of April 2023 Antonio Giudici observed for the second time the species on the slopes of Doi Pha Hom Pok, at nearly 1,600 msl.