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Hypochrysops coelisparsus kerri  Riley,1932

The Orange Greenline – ผีเสื้อมรกตส้มขีดเขียว

From Sarawak (East Malaysia) October 2012 – Image courtesy of Yi-Kai Tea

This species has been found only once in 1930 in Khao Phanom Bencha, a mountain of 1398 mt in Krabi province by Dr. A.G.F. Kerr, a botanist extensively travel and studying plants all along Thailand from 1902 to 1932. The record is extremely old and at the current state has to be considered dubious.

Ref: Riley, N.D., 1932. Descriptions of new Siamese Rhopalocera. J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist. Suppl. 8: 249-254.

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