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Caerulea coeligena chengmaica  Murayama,1993

The Large-spot Blue – ผีเสื้อฟ้าจุดใหญ่

Doi Lang (Chiang Mai) 29 March 2015

♂ Doi Pha Hom Pok (Chiang Mai) 13 April 2017

♂ Doi Lang (Chiang Mai) 31 March 2015

Doi Lang (Chiang Mai) 28 March 2020

Gentiana hesseliana (note a few eggs on the plant)

Doi Pha Hom Pok (Chiang Mai) 2 April 2018

Not rare locally, this species is found over 2,000 mt in the mountains of North Thailand. The hostplant is an uncommon species of altitude Gentiana.

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