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Neptis zaida  Westwood,1850

The Variable Sailor – ผีเสื้อกะลาสีสี่หน้า

Ssp. inayoshii – Doi Phu Kha (Nan) 23 March 2020


Neptis zaida inayoshii  Saito,2014

Doi Inthanon (Chiang Mai) 16 March 2018

Doi Pha Hom Pok (Chiang Mai) 30 March 2023

Doi Inthanon (Chiang Mai) 16 March 2020


Neptis zaida putoia  Evans,1932

Umphang (Tak) 13 March 2018

Umphang (Tak) 7 March 2020

Umphang (Tak) 12 March 2020


Neptis zaida prasobchoki Saito & Inayoshi,2014

Kaeng Krachan (Phetchaburi) 18 August – Image courtesy of Wanpen Tangtung

© Yutaka Inayoshi – http://yutaka.it-n.jp

Neptis zaida prasobchoki is known only by one specimen collected by the late Prasobsuk Sukkit on the top part of Kaeng Krachan the 22 March 1993. It’s similar to the ssp. putoia from which it differs for a completely white background, while the other is more creamy coloured.

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