Day 1 Afternoon arrival at Nakhon Si Thammarat airport and transfer to the town. Check in at the hotel. Dinner in Town. The Peak Boutique hotel, at 800 Baht per room.
Day 2 Visit at Krung Ching waterfall (75 Km). In my opinion one of the richest forest in South Thailand. An easy trail of 3.5 km along a pristine forest. Lunch on the field. Afternoon back to the hotel. Dinner in town.
Day 3 Visit to Khao Ramrome, (35 km) a 1000 mt mountain easy accessible by road with an interesting fauna and some rarity. Lunch on the field. Early afternoon visit at Jong Waterfall (20 km), a small but interesting wild area with some interesting species. Lunch on the field. Afternoon back to the hotel. Dinner in town.
Day 4 Early breakfast and drive to Karom waterfall with a short but interesting trail and a beautiful waterfall area. Lunch on site. Early afternoon visit to the Yot Leung waterfall (30 Km), flat forest trail to the waterfall. Afternoon back to the hotel. Dinner in town.
Day 5 One more day at Krung Ching waterfall (75 Km). An easy trail of 3.5 km along a pristine forest, chance to explore the other abandoned trail. Lunch on the field. Afternoon back to the hotel. Dinner in town.
Day 6 8AM Breakfast at the hotel and drive to Nakhon Si Thammarat airport.
A selection of the butterflies we could find in these locations:
- Elymnias Dara
- Deramas Livens
- Lasippa Monata
- Tanaecia Aruna
- Hypolycaena Merguia
- Pyroneura Callineura
- Drupadia Rufotaenia
- Drina Maneia
- Iraota Distanti
- Eooxylides Tharis
- Drupadia Theda
- Dacalana Vidura
- Suasa Lisides
- Penthema Darlisa Merguia
- Papilio Iswara
- The Yellow Bodied Clubtail
COSTS (2019)
DAILY CHARGE is 7,000 Baht for a max of 4 persons, 6,000 if only one person, exceptionally 8,000 if 5 persons, shared among the participants.
GASOLINE, highway fees, and other possible charges during the trip are not included.
ACCOMMODATION: The hotel room is usually about 800 Baht/day per room.
NATIONAL PARKS entrance fee is between 100 and 300 Baht/person
FOOD and drink will cost about 200/300 Baht a meal/person