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Chiang Mai 2020

Chiang Mai 2020

DAY 1   Arrive at Chiang Mai airport and quick transfer to the Dome hotel in Chiang Mai or go first at our first destination. 3 location on Doi Suthep mountain, 30’ from the town.

PICTURES FROM THE LOCATION:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157631834028580

DAY 2   Breakfast at the hotel. 7.30am leaving to Doi Inthanon, with over 2600 mt , is the highest mountain of Thailand. Several locations at various altitude. Chance to spot several altitude butterflies. Stay on site until 4pm. Back to the hotel for relax and dinner.

PICTURES FROM THE LOCATION: https://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157649202668778

DAY 3  Breakfast at the hotel. Leaving at 8am to Mae Kampong and Chaae Son (Lampang) Lunch on site. Return to the hotel at 4pm.

PICTURES FROM THE LOCATIONhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157631825856161                                                                                 https://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157650657356829

 DAY 4    7.00 breakfast and visit to an unknown but very interesting part of the Sri Lanna National Park. (80 km/1.15’). Many interesting species along a road between a stream and a forested mountain. Kunch on the field. Back to the hotel at 4pm. Dinner in town.

 PICTURES FROM THE LOCATIONhttps://www.flickr.com/gp/angiud/x8p30J

DAY 5   Check out and move to Chiang Dao. 9.30am visit at the most famous North of Thailand butterfly puddling area with great quantity of butterflies. 30’ drive to Doi Chiang Dao, 1000/1300 mt, once home of the now extinct Bhutanitis lidderdallii and still location of many rare/montane species. Packed lunch. 4 pm back to the hotel. Dinner in Town.

PICTURES FROM THE LOCATIONhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157637651260194

DAY 6  7.00am early breakfast and 2 hours drive to Fang. Quickly up to the Doi Pha Hom Pok and Doi Pomeun mountains, good forest until 1700 mt.  4pm drive back to the hotel. Dinner in town.

PICTURES FROM THE LOCATION:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/angiud/albums/72157645051651934

DAY 7   Another day in Chiang Dao, both the puddling area and the locations up on the mountain. Lunch on the field. Back to the hotel at 4pm. Again out 6.00pm (optional) the try to find the sunset species as Hasora and Burara. Dinner in town. (Afternoon in Chiang Mai. Transfer to the airport)

DAY 8   7.00am breakfast and transfer from Chiang Dao to the airport (80km, 1.30’)


CAR:  A Ford Everest 4×4, 3.2 lt. and 7 seats, climatizer, panoramic opening roof, 220v  plug, GPS

OUTLINE ITINERARY: Please note that the following is only intended as a guide. The actual itinerary may be changed if necessary due local conditions.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Your passport must be valid for a period of 6 months beyond the expected exit date. It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain any necessary tourist visa prior to departure.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: This is compulsory and must include full medical and emergency repatriation cover.

LIABILITY: By joining this tour you accept that you travel entirely at your own risk and that you absolve ThaiButterflies.com from and against any and all liability financial or otherwise resulting from accident, injury, illness, theft, or from flight cancellations/delays or failure by the ground agent or local guide to provide requested services.

HEALTH/FITNESS: It is your responsibility to ensure that you are medically and mentally fit to participate in a tropical tour where conditions will be sometime basic and at times hard.

TOURS HOURS:  Depending the needs, usually we move at 7.30/8am to our destination. Although not mandatory, depending the day and the distance, usually we are back to the hotel at 4/5pm. Time to relax, rest and wait for the dinner usually at 7pm.


DAILY CHARGE is 7,000 Baht for a max of 4 persons, 6,000 if only one person, exceptionally 8,000 if 5 persons, shared among the participants.

GASOLINE, highway fees, and other possible charges during the trip are not included.

ACCOMMODATION: The hotel room is usually about 600 to 1,000 Baht/day for a single/double room.

NATIONAL PARKS entrance fee is between 100 and 300 Baht/person

FOOD and drink will cost about 200/300 Baht a meal/person

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